Picture of a Dermatologist wearing gloves while putting their hands on the back of a females upper back and shoulder.
Our providers are here to help you with all your dermatology needs.
We provide services for:
Diseases and conditions of the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes
Diagnosing and treating acne, eczema, and rashes
Treating complex skin disease and systemic conditions
Skin Cancer Screening
Wound care
Diabetic Ulcers
Stasis Ulcers
Our providers can serve you in Kemmerer, at South Lincoln Medical Center in the specialty clinic, as well as Arrowhead Family Medicine in Evanston, Wyoming.
Heather Allred P.A.-C.
Cory Maughan, D.O., F.A.A.D.
Phillip Rutledge P.A.-C.